Premium Sleep Meditations
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Enjoy a stroll along the shores of a wonderful beach at sunset, finding shells and watching the sun go down as you make your way to a campfire on the beach. All your friends and family are glad to see you as you arrive and then sit around the fire
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Check out our ad free listening with this free sleep meditation on! The day is done and it’s time to relax your mind and body and fall asleep. This slow freestyle session will help you drift off into a wonderful sleep in no time.
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Let go of stress, tension and feel your mind and body relax as you imagine yourself on surrounded and supported by a white fluffy cloud as you drift along and off to sleep.
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In this final chapter of Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, Alice finds herself in court and getting larger by the minute as she upsets the jury and feels empowered as she returns to her normal size! After the story is complete, enjoy a beachside meditation massage as you drift
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Imagine yourself in a Tropical Place, the sounds of nature are around you along with the sounds of a small campfire and the water that flows from an Artesian Well and forms a small stream beside you. As you relax more and more deeply, focusing on some of the things
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Court is in session as Alice and the rest the wacky characters in this story try to figure out who stole the tarts! The whole thing makes Alice a little hungry and soon she begins to get a weird feeling. Then she discovers that she’s beginning to grow again. After
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Relax your mind and body as we remind you of how wonderful you truly are and help you discover a treasure within and unlock the unlimited potential of your unconscious mind.
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Relax every muscle in your body as you imagine yourself able to journey outside of your physical self as pure energy. Rise up and journey into space as you look back on our planet and see things from another perspective as you drift off to sleep. This version of Journey
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Relax and drift off to sleep as you enjoy Chapter 10 of Alice In wonderland by Lewis Carroll. This chapter, entitled “The Lobster Quadrille” is no less strange and amusing than the previous chapters and we’re sure you’ll drift off in no time as you listen. Just in case you
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Perhaps you’ve just awakened from a bad dream or maybe you’re just feeling a little vulnerable right now and need some calming reassurance. This guided sleep meditation will help you feel safe and secure and then provide you with some uplifting positive affirmations as you drift off to sleep.
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We’ve re-mastered our Deep Serenity Sleep Meditation with updated music and rain sounds to help you relax, unlock resources within and fall asleep.
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Think of something that you want to eliminate, erase or remove from your day to day life. Maybe you have a bad habit or want to change something in your life in some way. Write the words that are associated to this “thing” you want to remove including words relating
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Relax and fall asleep as you enjoy chapter 9 of this crazy little story by Lewis Carroll. Alice meets a mock turtle, a griffin and re-connects with the duchess in this strange chapter. After the story, you can relax even more and drift off to sleep (if you haven’t already)
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Anything is possible in a dream. The laws of Physics don’t exist, things don’t have to be sequential and time can be slowed, reversed or altered in any way we desire. What are your favourite things to dream about? Perhaps a tropical beach is the place for you, or maybe
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Enjoy this extended 60 Minute Gold Edition of Peace and Love! Get ready to relax very, very deeply and you imagine yourself in a place where only positivity exists and the world’s problems are far, far away. This guided sleep meditation will help you let go of tension and stress
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Get ready to relax very, very deeply and you imagine yourself in a place where only positivity exists and the world’s problems are far, far away. This guided sleep meditation will help you let go of tension and stress and achieve a level of relaxation that you may never have
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Create your own stress oasis as you slow down your breathing and begin to relax deeply. This guided sleep meditation can be different each time you listen as all the elements that create your oasis come from within your own conscious and unconscious mind.
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Imagine hiking on the Pacific Coast. It’s summer time and a cool ocean breeze cools your skin as you walk along, following a hiking trail along the coastline to a lookout point where you relax, enjoy the view and drift off to sleep at your own time and pace.
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Relax and drift off to sleep as you enjoy Chapter 8 of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. In this chapter Alice meets the Queen and is invited to play Croquet, which turns out to be just as confusing and disorganized as everything else in this strange place. Once we
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This session features the sound of ocean surf (without music) and an interesting experience of using a pendulum to get answers to light hearted questions as you relax and eventually drift off to sleep. Draw a circle in the sand and mark it with yes/no then hold your pendulum over
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No matter how confident you are it never hurts to hear wonderful confidence building suggestions. In this session you’ll relax by a small shallow stream while 3 paper boats come floating by. Each paper boat has an empowering word written upon it which you must unfold to read. What words
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Listen to and endless stream of positive affirmations as you relax and drift off to sleep. Simply set this episode to repeat and it will play endlessly. There is no introduction that will awaken you, just a gentle fade in and fade out. Remember, never listen to our sleep meditations
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This session features the sounds of a summer thunderstorm with no talking. Enjoy the sounds of thunder and rain with a wonderful background music that will help you fall asleep. After about 45 minutes, the storm will slowly, slowly fade away.
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Take a break from the winter by imagining yourself on a warm beach somewhere. The waves gently roll in and the sunshine feels warm and comforting. This is the perfect place to let your winter blues diminish while you relax and fall asleep.
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Lay down in a place where you can fall asleep comfortably as you enjoy what may be the most famous chapter of Lewis Carroll’s Alice In Wonderland, A Mad Tea Party. Following the reading of chapter 7, we’ll move on to a relaxing meditation to help you drift off into
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In this meditation, you’ll be relaxing deeply as you ride an escalator down below the surface… though a series of lights that filter negativity and help you relax even more. At the bottom of the escalator is a wonderful white light which is empower, relaxing and uplifting, rising your vibration
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We’ll start of this deeply relaxing sleep meditation with a 4-7-8 breathing technique. Then as you relax even more, you’ll visualize or imagine yourself lying on a white fully cloud that absorbs negativity of all kinds, along with anxiety and worry, leaving you feeling good and so relaxed. Then you’ll
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There is a new type of audio that’s becoming quite popular online which is known as 8D. This audio format provides the listener with a more immersive experience by having the audio move around you and come from a variety of different directions providing a kind of live listening experience.
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